Friday 10 April 2009

icloud - World's first online computer

icloud is a website that turns your web browser into an online computer giving access to your files and applications that you regularly use. icloud has introduced it's beta version this week and looks like already captured the market( you can see the usual notification :-) " Heavy server load".

Basically you need to create an account with icloud and you will be given access to secure storage space of 3GB where you can store all your files which you may require to share with your friends and those who need the files elsewhere in the world. Few applications pre installed for every account are

* Mail
* Instant Messaging
* Photo organizer
* File explorer
* Music & Video player
* Write
* Calendar
* Contacts
* Games

The storage screen shall be configured like a webdav folder as in the picture and will be easy to transfer files.

icloud allows you to even share photos and music and reduce the complexity in sending a large attachment through mail. It also provides few application development tools like

* IDE (Integrated development Environment)
* Developer documentation
* API documentation
* XML Editor

Before starting my Easter Vacation ,I thought I would better share this useful information and allow you try it during your Easter holiday.


cheap computers 25 August 2009 at 08:31  

It sounds good that icloud is a website that turns your web browser into an online computer giving access to your files and applications that you regularly use.